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Neo Light Plus

Neo Light PLUS is an innovative storage solution designed specifically for SMT reels. This advanced system combines the convenience of Pick to Light technology with the added benefit of location sensors for material detection. It significantly improves over traditional SMT reel storage solutions and provides numerous benefits for electronics manufacturers.

Neo Light Plus Details

Increased Efficiency with Pick to Light

One of the key features of Neo Light PLUS is its use of Pick to Light technology. This technology enables operators to quickly and easily locate and pick the correct SMT reel for each step of the manufacturing process. This results in faster production times and increased efficiency.

Material Detection with Location Sensors

Another advantage of Neo Light PLUS is the addition of location sensors. These sensors detect when a reel has been added or removed from the storage rack and can save time during the SMT material picking and putting process by eliminating the need for manual location verification.

Increased Storage Capacity

Neo Light PLUS can store up to 1400 reels per rack, significantly increasing storage capacity compared to traditional SMT reel storage solutions. This can help manufacturers manage their component inventory more efficiently and reduce the risk of stockouts and production delays.

Enhanced Productivity

A well-organized storage system can help streamline the manufacturing process by making it easier to find and access the components needed for each process step. This can result in faster production times and higher overall efficiency.

Better Inventory Management

In addition to improving quality control and enhancing productivity, SMT reel storage also provides better inventory management. With a proper storage system, manufacturers can keep track of their component inventory more easily. This helps ensure that the right components are on hand when they are needed, reducing the risk of stockouts and production delays.


The Neo Light Plus picking process is a smart and efficient method and it typically involves the following steps:

  1. An order is received, and the system calculates the most efficient picking route.
    The pick-to-light technology guides the worker to the correct location, illuminating the slot where the item is stored.
    The worker physically retrieves the item, and the location sensors detect the removal of the item.
  2. The system updates the inventory in real time, removing the item from the available stock.
    The worker confirms the pick, and the system updates the order status and calculates the pick location.
  3. This process allows for optimized and efficient picking while ensuring accuracy and real-time inventory management through the integration of pick-to-light technology and location sensors.



The process of placing items in the Neo Light Plus smart rack system with location sensors involves the following steps:

The worker physically places the item in any slot of their choice.
The location sensors detect the presence of the item in the slot.
The system updates the inventory in real-time, adding the item to the available stock.
The worker confirms the placement and the system updates the inventory status.

Note: Although the worker can place the item in any slot, it is recommended to follow the storage location calculated by the system for optimized inventory management and efficient picking processes.


Control movement of electronics component in and out in wherever stored at Neo Light/SMD BOX family. High data grain level material check-in/check-out time, work order reference, automated process start/end time, etc..


Make smarter decisions with real-time dynamic reports that you can save and share with anyone. Keep key information at your fingertips with custom dashboards.


SMT reel added/removed detection

Improved process work

Reduced error

Work Order/Job List driven SMT reel picking

Batch picking/Wave Picking
